Thursday, November 15, 2007

Rainy days....

Oooo, today was a wonderful day. Nice, chilly, and rainy. I say nice because we didn't have to go outside in it. We did, though - Big Boy, you and I sat on the front porch and watched the rain and leaves come down. You loved it! You even tried to run out into the cold rain... but you were also very willing to come back inside.

We had a great day today. Yes, some TV watching happened, but also did 2 loads of laundry, and the kitchen floor got mopped. You "helped" me mop the foyer, too. We both took nice long naps, and we played with blocks, and your trains, and we colored, and we made a little video tape for Daddy (and for prosperity).

I can see how rainy days in the future could cause some cabin fever. I almost ran out of my measly little bank of ideas... I'll have to figure out some new rainy day activities before we stay in for a full day again. Thankfully, it's not supposed to rain tomorrow, because we have some errands to run.

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