Sunday, November 4, 2007

My Musical Man

Big Boy, I have big hopes for you. With your Daddy's natural talent and my desire in you somewhere (I hope!), I hope you're going to be big stuff musically. That's my dream for you - to be able to experience the joy of music - the emotional and spiritual outlet that music is. That's my dream for both of my guys, in fact. I just don't know about you yet, Baby D. I haven't seen your "moves" yet.

You, on the other hand, Big Boy, show everyone your moves. You should've seen yourself rocking out tonight to some DMB. You were on fire! As soon as I figure out this online video thing, I'll post some footage that your Daddy took of you tonight. I think you're going to be a drummer - you're always beating on something, and your dance moves are, well... singular. I've never seen anybody use his arms the way you do! I'm such a proud Momma!

And then - you sing so many songs! You love to sing your ABCs, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, Jesus Loves Me, Old McDonald, and the Itsy-Bitsy Spider. And you're always surprising me by singing snippets of songs that are on CDs that we play together. Absolutely amazing. I think I have some Twinkle Twinkle Little Star on video, too... I'll post that sometime this month.

My Musical Man... Lord, help me show my children how to worship you in song - in spirit and in truth!

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